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ترجمة ملخصّات المحتوى بالانكليزية

الباحث :  ---
اسم المجلة :  الاستغراب
العدد :  22
السنة :  شتاء 2021م / 1442هـ
تاريخ إضافة البحث :  April / 14 / 2021
عدد زيارات البحث :  1485
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Summary of the Research Essays
Included in the 22th Issue of Al-Istighrab
Al Istighrab Issue #22 of Winter 2021 has been released, and it includes the religious experience in addition to a series of researches and studies which a number of researches, thinkers and academicians from both the Arabic and the Islamic regions. In the following, we will briefly present for the contents of the researches and the studies included following the set serialization of the sections:

In the Preface, Editor-in-chief Mr. Mahmoud Haidar wrote about the religious experience in which he presents an interpretive and critical vision of the concept starting from what the Western epistemological field was founded on.

In the Portfolio, there is a set of choice studies and researches sequenced as follows:
 A co-authored essay by Professor Muhammad Legenhausen and the Iranian researcher Ali Akbar Ahmadi Eframjani, whose title is “The Religious Islamic Experience” in which a critical discussion is conducted over the origin of the religious experience in its Western version besides pointing out the basic elements that make it different from the Islamic conceptual version of the religious experience; both authors sought to conduct a thorough tracking of the origin of the religious experience in the realm of the Islamic intellect.
Under the title “Revelation is not a Religious Experience,” Researcher Ali Rida Qaemi Niya discusses by analysis and criticism the thesis of the revelation as being a historical religious experience the way anthropology ascertains that and the historical trend does in the modern west; because of that the author seeks to points out the concept of revelation through discussing three international theories in this concern.

“The Experience of God” is the title chosen by Ali Shirwani to write about in which there is a presentation of the American philosopher, William Aliston’s vision, and its comparison with the basics on which the Islamic vision is based in this context. He clarified the extent of the possibility of realizing the experiential knowledge of God, praise be to Him, and its scope according to the inspirational Islamic teachings which ascertain the possibility of knowing Him, praise be to Him, evidentially, presenting the subject in a style comparing the pivotal theological precepts of Christianity and Islam.

The Egyptian researcher Abdel Halim A’tiyeh wrote “Personalism and Testing the Divine Knowledge” in which he differentiates between the historicism of the religion in which the Western intellect wanted to stain the religion aiming at taking the trait of sanctity off it and the subjective historicism when the Western religious experience took place ever since the Roman Empire converted to Christianity down till the modernity times; all of that through criticizing the Christian religious experience in the writings of Maurice Nedoncelle.

The academician specialist in theological philosophy, Jaber Musawi Rad, wrote his research under the title “The Credibilities of the Religious Experiences” in which he analytically and critically discusses five views of five great theology philosophers in the West and they are:  Walter Terence Stace,  Richard Granville Swinburne, William Payne Alston, Rudolf Otto and William James.

You will read in the Section “Etymologizing Researches”:
The Moroccan Researcher Muhammad Bin Omar wrote “The Originality of Methodology in the Arabic Islamic Heritage,” in which he defends the presence of methodology in the sciences of the Arabic Islamic heritage based on the idea that methodology represents controlling courses and organizing mechanisms leading to epistemology, opposite to what some researchers claim that the overwhelming and the dominating in the heritage practices is the concentration on the contexts and betting on them instead of concentrating on the productive mechanisms and methodologies of those contexts.

“Islamization of Human Rights” was written by the Lebanese Researcher, Muhammad Tay, who presented a thesis saying that heavenly religions have been revealed to save humanity from depravity, injustice and retrogression; he sees that they have produced a revolution at all levels related to Man whether in terms of its spiritual or materialistic aspect.

In the Section “The Islamic World and the West” a set of researches have been included and will be presented as follows:
The Lebanese Researcher Mahmoud Haidar wrote under the title “Protestantism and the Chosen Empire” in which he sheds light on  the historical American experience as a religious experience in its roots and its theological constituents and political ideologies; he also discusses the traits which discriminates it from its European origin and the role the Angelic Protestantism has played in bestowing uniqueness and boastfulness over the rest of the world with a claim that the USA is the land hosting salvation for the rest of humanity.
The Egyptian Researcher Sabrin Zaghloul Al-Sayed Shaaban wrote a research titled “The Ascending Faith and the Deteriorating Atheism” in which she presented a reading of William Lane Craig’s experience in refuting the atheist tendencies; she saw that the dialectical courses between the theologians and the secularists in the West embed some extraordinary indications most salient of which is the forceful return of the religious faith among a rather big number of philosophers and thinkers.
The Egyptian Researcher Mahmoud Kishanah wrote about “The Precluding Theology” in which he analytically and critically discusses Hegel’s vision of Islam starting from his theological experience in approaching the religious other that projects the obvious theological dimension in Hegel’s vision of Islam.

Eventually, the Yemini Researcher Abdullah Muhammad Ali Al-Filahi wrote a research titled “Tolerance and Its Civilizational Dimensions in the Western Philosophy” in which he presents for an analysis of the theoretical dimensions of the tolerance thesis, then he points out its deficiencies at both the theoretical and the applied levels.